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Wilhelm F Zantow

A fine point--The rope cores were a nickle alloy wound on a steel bobbin not a ferrite. Word selection was achieved first by pulsing all the cores and inhibiting all but the desired core. this generated 196 ones and zeros. Further selection was achieved by forward biasing 16 diodes of the possible 196. Bill Zantow 18/9/09

David Meerman Scott

Hi Bill, many thanks for commenting. Did you work on these?

Jimmie W. Loocke

Hi Bill,
Just wanted to touch base. You seem to know a lot about the Block 1 rope memories. I have 2 of these in my collection. I am trying to determine why they have a yellow stamp that says " Flight 202 on 6 0f them and "Flight 501' on the remaining ones 1 is not marked . Any Ideas. Thanks Jimmie Loocke

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